Hello! I modelled these 3 witches and little partners for Monte San Savino. It was very funny and interesting modelling different expressions.

If these could interest you, I have already opened the preorder, and will be limited to 113. You can contact at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

I hope you like them! : )
  • Roman "Light_one" Gruba

    Amazing sculpt, love it from the moment when I saw it in Monte!!!

    • Lucas Pina

      Thank you Roman!

  • Anastasios Kandris

    Haha. Do i have to mention which medal it deserves? I don’t think so, cause you have eyes and you can see…

  • Jero Miniatures

    Best of the year…
    Lo mejor del año…
    El millor d’aquest any…
    Brutal trabajo Lucas. Con trabajos asi llegarás donde quieras.

    • Lucas Pina

      jeje, ojalá, Jeroni. Espero que puedas tenerlas pronto

  • Michael Volquarts

    i love it lucas.

    • Lucas Pina

      Thank you Michael! I hope you and Debbie have your copy soon : )

  • Sergio Calvo Rubio

    claramente un oro , ya te lo dije ! :)

    • Lucas Pina

      Gracias Sergio ;)

  • Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS

    With the blind death by Patrick Masson, my favorite sculpt of the last years. Superb!

    • Lucas Pina

      Thank you Francesco! But Patrick Masson is other level! :P

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    thats awesome. one of the coolest things i have seen in the last years in the miniture world. and gold..so sure..

    • Lucas Pina

      Gracias Alfon! : )

  • Eliana Balossi - Raccolor


  • Stavros Zouliatis

    Fantastic work, gold!!!

    • Lucas Pina

      Thank you Stavros!

  • Norman ( Normski )

    Great set.. nicely sculpted ;-)

    • Lucas Pina

      Thank you Norman :)

  • Sergio Duran

    Simplemente una “exquisita maravilla” gracias Lucas por tanto arte

    • Lucas Pina

      Gracias por tus palabras Sergio

  • Stefan Sturm aka "StefanHWS"

    Awesome work. Love it,

    • Lucas Pina

      Thank you Stefan, I’m happy you like it

  • Matthieu Roueche - "Blabla"PLUS

    Fantastic work…but as the witch…i missed it! I’ll go painting yourgob on pig…

    • Lucas Pina

      Oh, really sorry Mathieu : (

  • François-Xavier "Fx" HUET

    Gold for these 3 beauties !


  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS


    • Lucas Pina

      Thanks John!

  • Patrick "The Small" Masson

    Superb work Luca, you know how much I love them but I can’t find the words to say how much !

    • Lucas Pina

      Joyeux Anniversaire Patrick!! And I can’t find the words to say how much I appreciate your words

  • Oscar San MiguelPLUS

    Para mí una de las piezas clave de las miniaturas de fantasía!

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