First act of my upcoming project called "The Steampunk League".
This is the first of three figs i m preparing for my indiegogo campaign , in near future.
Steampunk theme with vehicle and a figure.
The figure made it with Beesputty Summer firm and for the bike i used plastics from Evergreen, old watch parts, green stuff, magic sculpt and the wheels made of Beesputty (motor bike, is totally scratchbuild).
Size scale 54mm and his name, Duke Fergus Stone !
Soon i ll upload the others two, hopefully on Summer for indiegogo.
Well hope you like it.
Thanks for watching and rate.
John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Got two almost done of your minis hang tight and btw you cannot be stopped I love this buddy...your hands are magic.period.nuff said.end of story.Stavros Zouliatis
Thanks a lot John for your kind words, i appreciate it a lot. Cant wait for the paints ;)