Hi to all !!!
Second act of my upcoming project called "The Steampunk League".
This is the second of three figs i m preparing for my indiegogo campaign.
Steampunk theme with bicycle and a figure.
The figure made it with Beesputty Summer firm and for the bicycle i used plastics from Evergreen, old watch parts, green stuff, magic sculpt.
Size scale 54mm and his name, Lord Cornelius Wood !
One more to upload, hopefully on Summer for indiegogo.
Well hope you like it.
Thanks for watching and rate.
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    You have definitely put “miniature tale” on the map by making it one of these most unique and powerful steampunk sculpts in the entire world of model miniatures….you are the king my friend.

    • Stavros Zouliatis

      Thanks a lot John, i appreciate for the kind words mate !!!