A fantastic sculpture from David Waeselynck that wins bronze at the Golden Demon 2016 ! So proud of it ;)
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Damn! Best version of this model I have seen so far. My personal oppinion. Really like him! Congratulations!

    • Yohan_Leduc

      Thanks a lot Roman!!

  • Max Faleij

    Gold! Super great work dude.. I was glad to see it in the flesh at Painting Crusade and then again at Warhammer Fest it looked even better! A worthy winner… I hope to see you at the winners day event ;)

    • Yohan_Leduc

      Thanks dude, specially for your good advice! ;)

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    I agree g o l d

  • Matthieu Roueche - "Blabla"PLUS

    Jolie peinture…c’est classe! ;)

  • AidanDaly

    Gold! Awesome work Yohan, hopefully see you at the winners day!