This is a gift for my brother in law who is of Samoan heritage but grew up in New Zealand and like many kiwi's moved to Australia over 10 years ago. For anyone who knows a Kiwi whether they be of Maori, Samoan, Tongan, European or other descent, they are fiercely proud of their country, its culture, its beauty and its spirit... and let's not forget the All Blacks rugby union team :-) Hell we even have Waitangi day celebrations in Melbourne, Australia (the celebration of the treaty between Maori chiefs and European settlers). Playing rugby union and rugby league in Melbourne is like every Saturday playing in Waikato!

Quite simply, painting this was an experience that I highly recommend. Although it seems that social media went a little crazy on my wips of this bust I had the good fortune of workshopping ideas with Tony Dawe who is painting the same bust. His is painted in acrylics and oils and I cannot wait to see his ta moko (tattoo) and completed artwork. It will prove that although the same base 'canvas' has been used the difference and personalisation of the ta moko will be massive.

I also want to thank Michael Butler in New Zealand who helped the sculptor and owner of DG Artwork Dae-hyeong Kim in Korea with advice on Maori culture for this beautifully crafted bust. Michael also sent Tony and I some references that I reviewed in addition to visual references via internet and my own experience.

To me this experience proved the old adage that "it takes a village."
  • Paul Bullock

    I have loved watching this come together buddy
    • Richard SharpPLUS

      Thanks Paul. Wait for Tony Dawe's. His is looking awesome!
  • Nick M

    Brilliant mate! Awesome work on the tattoos
    • Richard SharpPLUS

      Cheers Nick. A fellow Aussie. Great to see.
  • Tony Dawe

    Awesome work Richard
    • Richard SharpPLUS

      Cheers Tony. Better get on with work now. Been talking to you on messenger too much!
  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    I like it a lot :) gold by me
  • Marc MussatPLUS

    saw that bust on FB ! great painting !
  • Jeff Burns "Tinman"

    Great work!!
  • Steve Haydon (Forté)

    Can't believe I missed this. Nicely done.
  • Jakob V

    Love it!!!