Here I show you something I finished painting 2 months ago. This is what I called a transitional project, i.e., one just intended to practice and learn some stuff, but without worrying too much about getting the best of the best results. Unfortunately, I cannot leave a miniature half-done, so I always push a bit more. In any case, quite happy with the results, because despite I didn't try anything special, I love all the range of Cadwallon characters from Rackham, and therefore, I was happy to have this guy (these two guys indeed) finally painted in my shelf!
And the miniature, just two crazy goblins one on top of the other, pretending to be tougher. Quite amazing concept... how much I love all these Rackham miniatures :'(
Hope you like, and as always, all comments, feedback and criticism is more than welcome! Thank you guys!
very cool!!Luis Salamanca "Herald"
Thank you so much Jose!