I had recently attended Meg Maples class on atmosphere, so I considered the model a lot before I painted it. He is from a tribe of wild elves that live in the mountains, up around the cold snowy peaks. I wanted the colours of the model to reflect that, and although elves don't feel the cold, I also wanted a lot of warmth in the skin.
Making any changes to the beautiful lines and shapes of this piece was almost sacrilegious. However about halfway through painting it I was struck with inspiration and I added a few subtle pieces, the feathers and a jawbone. I am happy that they add to the concept. The only other addition was on his necklace: I was recently in Sri Lanka on my honeymoon ( :) ) and I picked up some actual gemstones to try on some models. I used one here!
I am not often happy with my own work, as I always feel like I could have done things better or improved areas, and this one is no exception. Always so much to learn and improve!
Appreciate your comments and feedback as always.
I'll have a step by step writeup on my blog soon:
great work on great miniature. Gold :)Trent "BigDeno" Denison
Cheers mate. The miniature is superb!Ken "Macca Chung" Lim
Mate you keep going from strength to strength. Love those subtle colour shifts in the rider's torso. The markings on the horses face are also very effective. Was a real pleasure seeing this one come together.Trent "BigDeno" Denison
Thanks MATEJose_A_Alfonso
good work!Theren "Canny" Williams
Lovely job!Trent "BigDeno" Denison
Thank you Theren!Archontis Kitsios
Excellent tones, both in elf's and the horse's skin. Your additions really complement the subject. Well done, Gold.Trent "BigDeno" Denison
Cheers mate. I was nervous adding something to such a fantastic sculpt but happy I did!Paul Bullock
I adore this piece