I am happy to present my finished version of Lesza from Ignis Art. I had a very particular idea for this model, there were a specific theme and concept that I was hoping very much to convey.

I feel l had some good success with the Spira Mirabilis Troll I just previously painted. In terms of the painting process and how well it all came together this model wasn't as flowing as the Troll but I am still feeling pretty happy with it. I really love having time to learn closely from other artists in the community and I think it's pretty clear I've taken a lot of inspiration from them here but once again trying to put my own spin on things.

C&C is always welcome and thank you to the entire community for the continued inspiration and support.
  • Adam

    As I said before, she’s sublime. Gold

  • Alessandro Natale

    Already appreciated your work from a while but it’s amazing how you are boosting and developing your own style over last months! Really love this one, gold!

  • Archigrog

    Great painting!

  • Ignis

    So beautiful, every detal is perfect :) gold

  • Alien852

    Love it~

  • Alex ✍

    Great job ❤️

  • Amanda "synchroneyess" Kopet

    That is simply superb!

  • Vladimir_Golubev

    Wow! Gold!

  • Mario Hernando (Netsuke).

    Amazing skin and colors. Beautiful work.

  • Natalia Oracz

    Very nice Absinth Fairy :p everything is nice and sweet but in my opinion it would be nicer if the hair had one more stronger highlight. Probably I wouldn’t think about it too much but after watching your interview with Vince Venturella I agree that you need to push your hair game futher - your busts will be a perfection then :) Good job, I’m counting days for your next beautiful paitjob since you’re probably already finishing something as stunning as this lady in green :D

    • DavidColwellPLUS

      Thank you kindly for the feedback.  I did push the hair up further before knocking it back on this model, but I didn’t like it.  Maybe it’s my taste invoked I just always think it looks funny on the models I’m painting to put so many various flashes of white around.  I did however use a new technique on this model.  I use some matte varnish which really has a slight satin finish compared to most of the rest of the hair and I was picking out highlights on the hair using this.  Perhaps next time I will be a bit more bold and use a satin varnish.  I felt it was quite an effective way to give the hair white flashes without having to paint it white.  I’m going to continue to experiment with this on future projects because matte - satin - gloss finish should be another tool in our inventory :D

  • Bran

    Poison Ivy..?  The painting is very successful, congratulations David !! ;)

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    great green painting for gold

  • Clive Jackson

    Very nice version of this stunning bust! Gold!

  • Herman aka Glitterwolf


  • Josh "Zozimus" Pattison

    Amazing flesh colours.  I love your pointillist style.  Gold, of course!

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    She is amazing!

  • TimPLUS

    Just beautiful mate, a stunning work of art

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    You are refreshing!. fantastic work!

  • Andreu "Morglum Minis"

    Nice work mate! love it

  • Jonatan Gil - ElinhirPLUS


  • Werner Kellens
