Hello friends! what to say.. I was already in love with the subject even before any miniature did exist (guess I'm not alone here :) ).
This time I tried to play with backdrop and NMM heavy satin reflections while avoiding having too much of a "scientific" approach in order to leave the viewer capture the general atmosphere and being somehow transported into the character.
Let's say that if one of your first reactions looking at the bust is starting singing/whistling the Mandalorian theme then you made my day :)
Rhett “Saint Toad” Jenkins
Spectacular- no, specular job, Ale!Alessandro Natale
Thank you twice then! :)Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Really nice one, gold!Alessandro Natale
Thanks Nakatan!!Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Splendid, fantastic job!Alessandro Natale
Thank you Magnus, appreciated!Archigrog
Veramente bello!!!Alessandro Natale
Grazie mille!!!Jakob V
Brilliant work! Love it. Such moody. You can almost hear the music when seeing it, meaning you captured the spirit perfectlyAlessandro Natale
Thanks again Jakob! May the force be with youDiego´Legendary´Painter
Love the osl and the metal aspect, gold for sureAlessandro Natale
You are literally legendary mate, thanks for that!Bran
Un très beau travail sur le NMM, bravo Alessandro !!Alessandro Natale
merci encore une fois Bruno!!Marc MussatPLUS
de belles transitions de teintes avec une chromaticité parfaitement contrôlée . du coup l'ambiance est là ! splendide !Alessandro Natale
merci beaucoup mon ami!!!!Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
youre a fantastic painterAlessandro Natale
oh gosh I'm not but you are an amazing person, thanks for that! you'd really make my day!Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS
Love the atmosphere you’ve have created on this piece. Excellent work.Alessandro Natale
Thanks you Chris!!appreciated!Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Great jobAlessandro Natale
Thank you Roman!!!!!Pierre Balmette
Stellar job here, awesome lights/reflections/colors. Pure gold !Alessandro Natale
Your words are stellar Pierre! Thanks!!Enric "Fenrik studio"
Fantastic work, buddy!!! amazing skills and light knowledge!Alessandro Natale
Thanks mate! Too generous, I still have lot to learn on light:)Roberto Del Cima
Bello bello!!!Alessandro Natale
Grazie Roberto !!Anthony Wang
Love the chrome effect you achieved! The base is sooo cool too - you’ve inspired me to try to paint a mando too :)Alessandro Natale
Thanks buddy, definitely you should!eric wolfsPLUS
very spectacular painting effects. Big goldAlessandro Natale
Big big thanks Eric!!Paolo-Di-Poce
Tutto topAlessandro Natale
Grazie grandeee! Ma te? Pausa?Cristiano
Amazing paint effect.......ultra goldAlessandro Natale
Grazie mille Cristiano!!!Riccardo "RA" AgostiniPLUS
Spettacolo, la scritta poi è il top :DAlessandro Natale
Grazie mille grande!!Luis Martín EspadaPLUS
Awesome painting job.Andreu "Morglum Minis"
This is the way!ArtNiak
Epoustouflandissimo ❤️jeroendriehuis
Absolutely love it!!