Hi folks. I'll try to write some better text up for this section, sooner or later. For now, if this project looks interested enough to you, please know that I recently scanned in and uploaded the entire article I wrote on this subject. See the WIP or SBS link, on this page, to see the complete (and rather detailed: many photos and words) article, as it was originally published (in 2012) within the second volume of "Steampunk Modeller". Those volumes were special issues from the folks at "Sci-Fi and Fantasy Modeller". They were a lot of fun to write for! I've included the table of contents, so folks here can see the many other creative projects by the other talented fans of Steampunk models.
  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS

    nice .. :) gold :)

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    A lot of work! Gold!

  • Eamon Connerty

    Awesome work! Gold!

    • Ward Shrake

      Thank you kindly!

  • Eamon Connerty

    Also, great to see another New Mexican on here! Greetings from Santa Fe!

    • Ward Shrake

      Heehee. Greetings, right back at’cha!

      If it matters: the main photo for the “Flying VW spaceship replica” project I did (also seen on these pages) has a background that I assume many (most?) people probably assume I somehow cheated, and “photo-shopped” in ... but, no, it’s a real photo I took, at a real location. I took that photo up on “goat hill” in a city called Raton, in the US state of New Mexico. Folks who live in this state can attest to the beauty of some areas; the lack of crowds, and so on. But that gets balanced out, arguably, with mind-boggling levels of corruption. Having a local Sheriff’s Deputy get arrested by the FBI, for highway robbery and worse, puts a dent in the “wow, it is really pretty in some places, in this state”. It’s not for everyone, but I like the state I live in; and don’t mind using it as a “location” for space-going sci-fi VW’s!


    • Eamon Connerty

      I saw that when looking through your works and instantly recognized the mountains and sky of New Mexico! All of your work is really impressive! NM is really a great place to live despite some of it’s problems. I look forward to seeing more of your work.