Pirate Fury
Pirate Fury
Pirate Fury
It seems like everybody and their cousin have had a hand in painting a version of this miniature. Well, I'm part of the crowd. :-) This model spent some time in my to-do-box, because I was kind of disenchanted with the quality of the cast. The bust was fun painting, though. I sweated through the patterns of the pirate's and the monkey's vest, and I didn't get it perfect, but I learned a lot and built up experience that can go into my next project, and that's a big part of the fun in painting miniatures for me, too.
So ... stand up me hearties, yoho!
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    gold =)

  • Richard Duebell

    @Nakatan: Thank you very much!

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Nice work for this difficult bust. Congrates. Vote Gold

  • Richard Duebell

    @Eric: Wow, thank you very much!! I am fascinated by your work - looking forward to browse through your projects page this evening. Have a good time!

  • Peter"Peterpaint"Trenner

    Ich kann mich Eric nur anschließen, ich finde den auch toll bemalt!

  • Richard Duebell

    @Peterpaint: Dankeschön! Ich freu mich sehr über den Zuspruch!

  • Volty15


  • Richard Duebell

    @Volty15: Thank you!!