Brand "Women By Pepa Saavedra"
Sculptor: Pedro Fernandez
Painted by me.
I called her Rosamund in honor to Rosamund Clifford, one of the best-known lovers of King Henry II Plantagenet.
Little is known of Rosamund's true history, but it's said that she was beautiful, young and educated. However, the rival of the Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine fed a large number of legends.
Some praised her by calling her The Beautiful Rosamund or The Rose of the World. Her detractors even named her “La Rosa Inmunda” (The impure Rose)
Rosamund and Henry met in 1165 during a king's campaign in Wales where she lived with her family. She was probably only 15 years old.
The romance between them lasted for a short time. In 1176 the young girl fell ill and retired to the monastery of Godstow where she died that same year.
Although Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine regarded Rosamund as a threat, stories about a possible poisoning of the young woman by the queen are unfounded.
Henry soon took refuge in the arms of another woman and forgot Rosamund’s love.
Banished from the King’s heart, Rosamund became the object of literary and artistic representations that transformed her life into an authentic novelistic love story.
Even her resting place was the subject of an extravagant story. She was buried in the same church at Monastery where she died but few years later, bishop Hugo of Lincoln ordered her remains to be deposited outside the church, because “she was a bad example to women"
I hope you like it.

  • OrigalumPLUS

    She looks great!
  • girlpainter57

    beautifully painted, and an equally captivating story
    • Pepa Saavedra

      Thanks girlpainter, I'm oleaded you like bote (painting and story)
  • Marc Revés

    Good job
    • Pepa Saavedra

      Thanks for your vote Tommy. I guess the bronze is for some aspects that you think could be improved. I would like to know what they would be, in your oppinion. We can always learn something new by hearing different opinions
  • Steph.DPLUS

    Gold :)
    • Pepa Saavedra

      Thanks Steph, glad you like it
  • Luis UgartePLUS

    Muy bonita,! pintura muy fina! Gold!
    • Pepa Saavedra

      Muchas gracias Luis, me alegra que te guste
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    One of your favourite models from concept to paintjob by you! Love her!
    • Pepa Saavedra

      Thanks Roman, I appreciate your opinion
  • Jonas_Braschoss

    Looks great!
  • Jakob V

    She is gorgeous! Editor’s pick from me.
  • eric wolfsPLUS

  • Peter (Chilwd)

    Love it and voted gold! the textures and subtle tones are awesome! The skin on the back are perhaps a bit to dark compared to the cloth for y taste. Neverteless awesome piece!
    • Pepa Saavedra

      Thanks Peter, I agree with you about dark color on her skintones in her back. I thought about correcting it, but once finished it is finished for me and I only think about improving for the next figure. Thanks for your comment
  • Marc MussatPLUS

    amazing result for this bust ! gorgous painting with this special touch "Pepa Saavedra " !
    • Pepa Saavedra

      It makes me happy to know that my style is recognizable and I'm glad you like it, Marc. Thanks fir comnent.
  • Clive Jackson

    Beautiful work! Gold!
  • Michel

    A absolute amazing painted Woman!
  • Gus

    Magnifico trabajo.Oro.
  • Duck of MounPLUS

    Tout simplement magnifique !