Bust sculpted by Cyril Roqulaine. It's big and heavy and a lot of fun for me to paint.

I am starting my summer holiday from teaching other painters with this bust. For me it was important to
paint without explaining something to another person. I want to find my own painting again these days after being a student on Alfonso's class and Kirill's class myself. I learned a lot, but now it is time to use it in my own style.

Well, here I wanted to use saturated and rich colors! Green! I usually paint more desaturated tones but I dir find a TMNT fitting for my color choices. Well, honestly I did not think. I just did paint.

The project was sold to a private collector.
Thank you for your support in my craft, work, art and passion!

Hope you like Leonardo!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes

  • Anastasios Kandris

    I like a lot the green saturated you choose. Gold for painting and gold for the sculpture!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you, Anastasios. I was not so sure if people will like that powerful green, but I am happy now!

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Best you ever did

  • Jason Zhou

    Very cool subject! I like the vibrant and saturated colors you put on this bust. Great work!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you, Jason.
      I often lack powerful colors and I am happy this study turned out to look cool!
      Thanks for your comment and vote!

  • Antonio

    Beautiful bust !!! I did not know there were four versions. Let’s see if I get lucky and also make a version as your Roman. Very good !!!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Yes, there are four, but I will only paint two of them, as I gave two to my buddies. I plan to paint Michelangelo for my sister as a birthday gift in the next weeks!

  • Neil Szabo AKA "Zab"

    Yeah! tho Raph is still my fave ;)

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Now guess what, Raph will be painted by Raffaele Picca ;)

  • Sebastian "Simon Moon" Reschke

    Awesome job roman! Love everything about it!

  • Jonathan Hart

    Brilliant!!! A gold from me!

  • Ricardo Pisa

    Plain awesome!

  • Uli Wilke

    Das ist doch ein Fake… Niemals nicht benutzt du solche Farben ;) Gold!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Nix fake, aber deine Zweifel sind berechtigt. Bin selbst noch verwundert :D

  • Siggi Hauke

    Great work again Roman! But no gold vote from my side .... You painted the green skin very cool with all these small details. But I don’t like that much staturated color. A little bit to much.
    And the purple light situation is nice to see, You should paint more on this on these busts ;)
    Anyway, a very cool job!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thanks Siggi for your comment and vote :)

  • Theren "Canny" Williams


  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    i dont like the blue. specially in a such a big surface. to me it has a lack of tones. and contrast with light and shadows.. but this is also because the tonalities of the skin are sooo wonderful, well achieved, balanced and powerful…. thats colour!.. i love ther skin. congrats. a really interesting job. i love to see all the strokes. and how you achieved the volumes and the skin texture. great!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Hey Alfonso, I exactly understand what you are saying. Feel the same. Still finding my way and style with your new influances. Thanks for being the painter you are!