For this project I envisioned a scene where Gambit is battling some super villain all night and the next round of battle started at daybreak. I thought the Knight Models sculpt fit the scene since his downturned face and him leaning on his staff conveyed a sense of weariness. The metal cast wasn’t the easiest to paint - oh we’re so spoiled with resin - but it turned out ok and it was a good exercise in ambient lighting with a hard lateral key light. Not the easiest lighting situation to achieve but it was fun to paint and experiment. Thanks as always to my painting mentor and friend - the master Alfonso Giraldes, Miniature Art Academy for the amazing curriculum you tirelessly put out, Will Hahn and the LXP - your feedback and tweaks have definitely elevated my work, and my local Chicagoland Paint Team buddies! You all are amazing and make miniature painting so rewarding!
  • Dani Darkmetal

    Love the scene Anthony. Gold !

  • Will “Sik Willy” Hahn

    Such a great piece Anthony, I love the drama and style you’ve painted this in. It was a true pleasure to watch it come together

    • Anthony Wang

      Thanks Will! Your eye in helping to dial in Gambits pose was really important!

  • Alessandro Natale

    Great one Anthony! Such an inspiring playground to explore for many future artworks!!

    • Anthony Wang

      Thanks Ale!! It certainly felt like a playground during the process…lots of experimenting and pivoting :)

  • Vitaly Lapshin

    Красивая работа, золото!

    • Anthony Wang

      Thank you I think! I need to learn Russian :)

  • Eamon Connerty

    Wow! Amazing work!!!

  • Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS

    Love this. The lighting and ambience makes it feel like a comic come to life. The positioning of gambit make me feel like he had his butt kicked but is coming back for more.

    • Anthony Wang

      Thanks Chris! Glad the comic element came through. I think part of what makes the scene look alive is the motion of the sculpt and background. Your feedback on having the smoke blow to the left more was really helpful to make the blowing coat make more sense. You’re totally right about Gambits positioning…maybe I need to call it something different…

  • Jonatan Gil - ElinhirPLUS

    Gold, Amazing work. I LOVE GAMBIT.

    • Anthony Wang

      Thanks Jonatan! Gambit is one of my favorites too!

  • Ville Nurmi

    Wow! Looks amazing!!

  • Marius "Der Stone "Stein

    Beautiful! I love the Background.

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    the only thingh i dont like is that the main view should nbe the second one in my opinion. in the other hand yoru serarching and slowly finding your style and that highligjh you from the rest of the us painters. youre among the best just beacsue of the risk and the personality. now you must deal with some technical issues that we will fix as soon as we meet in person

    • Anthony Wang

      Thanks for saying that…I don’t disagree with you and am always looking for ways to improve :)

  • Yisong Liu

    Brave and perfekt! Gold

    • Anthony Wang

      Thank you Yisong!! It’s definitely fun to experiment and try new things

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Standup job . Across the board. You get ahold but the piece deserves much higher.

    • Anthony Wang

      Thanks John I appreciate it brother!! :)

  • Kirill "Miniaturesdio" Koloskov

    This is very unusual and beautiful! Gold of course!

    • Anthony Wang

      Thank you!! I’m glad to have created something sorta unique :)

  • Militarist_Studio

    Absolutely Gold!

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    And this is gold of course!

  • Roman "Light_one" Gruba

    Really nice job with painting here

  • Poliakov_Andrii
