hellraiser squad : angelique
hellraiser squad : angelique
hellraiser squad : angelique
hellraiser squad : angelique
Part of a hellraiser squad in my chaos space marines army, obviously inspired by the hellraiser serie.
I know my painting level is fa from what is usual aroung here, but I think the idea is original enough to share it with you (I hope I am not mistaken in this).

Angelique's costume being smoother than for other cenobites I left the legs smooth ; I used beige color to mark places where her skin is exposed in the original costume (hence the shoulders, top of arms, belly and tights being beige contrary to other miniatures of the squad where beige is used only on the head and hands).

Here are the links to all characters of this squad.
- pinhead : https://www.puttyandpaint.com/projects/17985
- angelique : https://www.puttyandpaint.com/projects/17981
- the chaterrer : https://www.puttyandpaint.com/projects/17983
- siamese twins : https://www.puttyandpaint.com/projects/17986
- butterball : https://www.puttyandpaint.com/projects/17982
- spike : https://www.puttyandpaint.com/projects/17987
- dreamer : https://www.puttyandpaint.com/projects/17984
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Angelique kicked ass and the shears-great touch gold

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Btw-now do the CD - he was a cheesehead one but hey!!!

    • DrLiche

      thanks for your comment :)
      I think about making the CD, but still have not found something satisfying, so it waits a good idea…